Why You Should Be Having More Fun at Work

  • May 10, 2018

In the past, the words “work” and “fun” were two very different concepts that could never be caught in the same sentence. The old school rationale taught us that if you are enjoying yourself at work, you are probably not being as efficient as you should be. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the 21-century is upon us, and in the era of the brewing 2020 workspace, introduced by the millennial takeover – fun is an integral part of company value. And that is why we’ve outlined plenty of reasons for you and your team to join in on the celebration and have a blast at work

Fun activities build team morale, which strengthens friendships among colleagues. According to Ron Friedman, psychologist and author of The Best Place To Work, we’re much more effective, and even smarter, when we feel connected to our colleagues. “For one thing, it’s because we can pay less attention to whether or not we’re fitting in and focus on actually doing our work. We’re also more comfortable pointing out when a colleague is going down the wrong path, and more willing to ask for help when we need it.”

People work harder when they enjoy their work. When people really feel like they belong and care about the company they work for, they begin to adopt the company’s values and feel more invested in their career. Having fun at work makes people want to perform well and be a contributing member to the overall success of the organization.

A fun environment fosters creativity and produces confident employees who feel comfortable sharing ideas. By encouraging creative thinking among colleagues, your staff will become more resourceful with problems and will find new solutions to problems.

Happy employees deliver great customer service. When people are having fun, they talk more, discuss issues openly, and take better care of customers. An engaging work environment creates a positive atmosphere that paints your brand in a favorable light and makes people gravitate toward your business.

Happy people are healthy people. Many scientific studies have found a connection between the psychological and physical well-being. One reason for this is that happy people are more likely to exercise, eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep than those who report a lower life satisfaction. A study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University exposed subjects to a cold virus and found that people who considered themselves happy were less likely to get sick — and expressed fewer symptoms even if they did contract the virus. Therefore, happier employees could mean fewer sick days and lower health insurance costs for your company.

Happy staff sticks around. The upcoming year is projected to be one for business growth opportunities, meaning job responsibilities will broaden and more people will need to be hired to keep up with the workload. With the average cost of hiring a new employee ranging somewhere between $3,000 and $4,000, not including training expenses, it is much more affordable to retain the good employees you have. So if you can, find a way to make the work environment fun, that way more employees will stick with you for the long haul.

A fun culture attracts new talent. It’s fun to have fun, so people look for a professional environment where they’ll enjoy being a part of the team. In fact, most millennials joining the workforce now, say they consider company culture fit a top priority when interviewing for a potential job opportunity.

Work can be fun?! Tell me more!

Having a ball at work is fun in theory, but many managers are skeptical about implementing more ways of engaging the workforce. Don’t worry, you don’t need to go out and install a zip-line and a bouncy house right away (although we’re definitely not against it!). Adopting a more enjoyable company culture starts with taking little steps to inspire your employees and establish your office as a supportive community. Here are a few simple steps to take for a happier and more productive team.

Host company-wide events. You better believe the options are boundless when it comes to showing appreciation for your employees. From holiday parties, and happy hours, to team-building exercises, or charitable fundraisers, there is surely one way out there that can fit your budget AND your company culture. Even taking small steps at a time, like getting food catered in for a luncheon, can make for a memorable time that you share with people you spend most of your days with – your colleagues.

Let your employees play a part in how your office is governed. If you don’t already have committees dedicated to your organizational involvement, now is your time to put your mark on these community engagement goldmines. Community service boards, and event planning committees are some of the favorites among corporate environments.

Create a fun environment. Take the time to transform your office into a more enjoyable, laid-back environment. Remember, we spend most of our days at the office, working alongside the same people day in and day out. There isn’t a single reason out there that shouldn’t allow us to feel more comfortable in our professional surroundings. We’re not talking about letting your employees feel completely at home, but you can really liven up the place by adding a pool table in the lounge area or revamping your break room.

Give credit where credit is due. To put it simply, your staff is your greatest resource - invest in them and your business will flourish. Sometimes we are very quick to critique work that isn’t up to par, but it’s not as easy to give out kudos for every job well done. A simple pat on the back goes a long way in uplifting the company spirit.

So without further ado, go out there and sprinkle some joy onto your workforce! A productive culture can spark up a lackluster week, but a happy one can ignite talent in the darkest of times.

  • Category: Business Advice
  • Tags: Business Advice, Fun, Morale, Happiness, Inspiration, Productive