Kurt got his start in a darkroom in the seventh grade. Work on yearbooks and student papers all the way through high school and college got him in on the ground floor of the desktop publishing revolution. Armed with expert knowledge of Aldus PageMaker and Adobe Illustrator versions one, a love of typography and his very own Apple Macintosh Plus (2 floppy drives, baby!) he bullied his way into a job at Reno’s leading typesetting firm, Reno Typographers. After about 5 years he was offered a management position at the area’s leading color separator, where for five years he learned about high-end color separation, lithography and stripping. He returned to Reno Type in 1997, and in 2003, bought the company and started its transformation into a full service commercial printer.
Kurt is the chief-bottle washer, lead fry-cook and head janitor at Reno Type. He’s the guy with whom the buck stops, or as he likes tho say “The guy who’s fault it is.” He is primarily responsible for the the sales and marketing efforts of the company and so spends a lot of time on the phone and even more in “Doug,” the Subaru Outback, visiting existing and prospective clients and handling those emergency deliveries.
In his “spare” time, Kurt volunteers as a trip leader for Project Great Outdoors, where he helps underserved young people learn about themselves through outdoor adventures like Whitewater Rafting and Challenge Ropes Courses. He’s a little bit of a beer snob, a condition that grew out of the creation and running of one of Reno’s Premier beer tasting events: Backwash, a celebration of hops and hopes.
What makes Kurt the Reno Type?
“The easy answer is that I graduated from Reno High School and attended THE university of Nevada… the one in Reno. There is something about this place. It’s big enough to not be small, but small enough to not be big. It’s close to the great outdoors that I love so much. And the people just can’t be beat — everyone around here cares about this place and their fellow citizens. What a great place to live, work and play!”